IMI Girls Wing +2 organized a special guest lecture on ”How to Achieve Excellence in life” for the students of 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th classes in the auditorium of IMI, Girls Wing on 8th of June 2017. The event started with the recitation of Holy Quran followed by Naat. The welcome address was given by the Hon’ble Chairman, IMT. The lecture was delivered by the renowned doctor of the valley Dr. M. S. Khuroo, Gastroentrologist.
In his lecture, Dr. Khuroo stressed to achieve excellence in every sphere of life. He said there should be no short cut to excellence or victory. One has to put in the required hard work in everything. He said that one should have a strong desire for excellence, and patience is the first and the most important to achieve excellence. Without patience everything is done half-heartedly and it gives only half of the results. Then he stressed on self-confidence which is one of the most important thing that a person can have in his life. He said we should try to learn from the best of people who have already done everything that we are doing now. He said that we should really work hard to achieve our goal. The more we feed our goal with energy and love, the more fruit it will give us. Finally, he said that we should never feel discouraged and should never give up on anything. This inspirational lecture was received with admiration by the students.
The event ended with the vote of thanks by Respected Principal, IMI Girls followed by Du’a.


Website by Qaiser Sidique